Plan your strategy, then execute.
The BOSS platform lets you carefully map out all of the workflows your business must execute in order to operate successfully. Identify each task inside a workflow and give each its own set of failure thresholds, number of attempts and priorities. Tasks can be manual processes to be completed by your staff or automated work such as updating external systems and activating hardware or services.
Tasks can be completed in parallel tracks, with new requirements for the same object along each step of the process. As each instance of the workflow is executed the operator has complete oversight over its progress and is able to see the details of each task in the chain.
Key Features
- Enforce data collection for a more complete picture
- Greater visibility into everything you are working at any given moment
- Ensure that nothing falls through the cracks
- Enforce follow-up policies or final sign-off, to improve quality
- Measure success throughout the enterprise through workflow tracking
- Increase efficiency by accomplishing tasks in parallel
- Automate the handoff of a task or workflow from one department to another
- Fully-customizable development environment for automating tasks